Paris, France: Day One & Two

5 Pailles, Frenchie Wine Bar, Hotel De Nell and other favorites.

Sam Livingston
Apr 13 2019 | min read
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5 Pailles, Frenchie Wine Bar, Hotel De Nell and other favorites

I thought it’d be helpful for purposes of sharing where we ate, stayed, and what we did each day to break up the trip into a few different posts! I hit Matamata for coffee after I got in—visited this spot last time I was here and it’s still a favorite. I walked around the neighborhood, grabbed some fries at Mersea, and took photos as I walked around.

As far as the rest of the first day goes, this was when we got engaged: I wrote a whole sentimental chronicle about our relationship if you’re interested! After that incredibly ideal evening took place, we went to Buvette to celebrate with our friend Andy and my SIL-to-be, Maresa. We’d heard great things about it and it was about as quaint and delicious as it was talked up to be. Such a sweet setting with only a handful of tables, small plates to share, and a nice drink menu. 

Only managed to get a couple of dimly-lit photos but I think these encapsulate the vibe pretty well.

We weren’t super hungry so we got some marinated carrots, toast with chevre and honey, and a shepherd’s pie situation. The whole day pretty much felt like a fairytale and this meal topped it all off. We meant to make it there for brunch as well but it slipped our minds: definitely would recommend this spot! 

After that, we went to a jazz bar in an underground cave: everyone was swing-dancing at the bottom of a windy, trepidacious staircase and it was so cool to see.


Day Two — March 29th

Andy had an early flight out in the morning and then Maresa, Nick and I all went to 5 Pailles. Not an idea lighting situation for food photos per, but listen: I had pancakes with sunny-side-up eggs, avocado, jalapeno jam, and fried onions on top. We all had good filter coffee and cappuccinos. I’d recommend this spot for breakfast and/or coffee! Sitting outside would have been prime here, too.

We made it to The Centre Pompidou Museum and couldn’t have possibly seen half of the art if we spent all day there. After a few hours, we opted to come back another day and see more.

the centre pompidou


We stayed at Hotel DeNell and it was an amazing experience all around. It’s located on the prettiest, most quiet street in an ideal location with so much attention to detail. The bathtub in the room was stunning and the view from the balcony couldn’t have been more gorgeous, and they were so sweet to have my room ready early on the day I arrived.

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These interiors here were incredible.


That night for dinner, we went to Frenchie. They own an entire block of restaurants and you can’t go wrong with any of them.

We shared an asparagus, cream and egg situation; a dish of marinated vegetables; and squid with raw fish. For dessert, we had a banana cream mousse and ice cream dish that actually changed our lives. I’m not doing these dishes any justice describing them this way so I’m linking the website so you can take a look at the menu. We ate dinner every night around 10:30 pm so the photos aren’t top tier but you get the idea! That’s all for the first two days of the trip. You’ll find day three and four here.

Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Hotel de Nell. All opinions are my own.