Paris, France: Day Three & Four

Where to grab brunch, coffee and pizza and the dreamiest balcony in Champs-Elyseés.

Sam Livingston
Apr 14 2019 | min read
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Where to grab brunch, coffee and pizza and the dreamiest balcony in Champs-Elyseés.

Continuing on with our daily Paris itineraries, here are our favorite destinations and meals from our third day in the city.


Our first stop of the day was Cafe Pimpin.

Nick got a smoked salmon, dill and tzyiki toast, I got soft-scrambled eggs on toast and Maresa got eggs and soldiers. Real good. Coffee was solid as well! Really pretty, small space in a lively area.


From there, we walked around town a bit, visited Montmartre and photographed some architecture.


Eventually we made our way to Hotel De Sers. It’s in Champs-Elysées with a view of the Eiffel tower out the window and a claw-foot bathtub. (!) We had a couple balconies that were fun to hang out on each night and it was a solid location for walking! 

paris samlandreth hotel.jpg



Also, these heat-dry racks in every hotel in Paris are amazing. You can warm up towels for after a shower or dry your clothes and I think we need to take this concept back to the states. Let me know if you end up booking with them! Such a lovely spot.

We stumbled upon a little sidewalk café and we had an Aperol Spritz. They’re so refreshing and I only found this out in the last few months. Consider this a formal PSA to try an Aperol Spritz.

Coffee & Dinner

For the rest of the day, we window-shopped, grabbed coffee at Sylon (highly recommend), then tried and failed to get into several restaurants for dinner and eventually ended up at Big Love for pizza and pasta.


Another very pleasant meal (and very mediocre photo of it, lol) — the pizzas were delicious and the pasta was house-made daily. Also an affordable wine list with good options! Loved the interior and exterior of this spot as well. 

Day 4 — March 31st 

For breakfast, we went to a spot that wasn’t our favorite so I’ll leave it out. After that, we visited the Shakespeare & Company bookstore, walked through nearby gardens at Square René-Viviani and meandered through neighborhoods and window-shopped a bit.

We walked through a sweet area called Odéon at sunset and scouted a spot for dinner. We visited a bunch of Hemingway’s favorite spots as well (Closerie De Lilas, his apartment, his daily commute to the café to write at.) They were more fun to simply stop by and take a look at as the restaurants were typically not top-notch and were fairly expensive due to their claim to fame.

Telescope was some of our favorite coffee on the trip. Nick’s espresso tonic was one of the best we’ve had.


We went to Homer Lobster and each got lobster rolls. Amazing. My two favorite places in America for lobster rolls are New England Lobster in San Francisco and Mermaid Oyster Bar in New York (please go to either if you get the chance) and this one held up!



Strada is another great coffee shop!



Read day five and six here

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