Our Marfa, TX Wedding Pt. I

November 2019: breakfast, getting ready, portraits, and first look

Sam Livingston
Dec 17 2019 | min read
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November 2019: Breakfast, getting ready, portraits & first look

All photos in this post are from our wedding weekend taken by dream team, Sara & Phil —

All photos in this post are from our wedding weekend taken by dream team, Sara & Phil!

Wedding Day Morning

Our wedding morning started off with everyone waking up and getting ready casually around 10am, and all making our way down to one of the local cafés (Do Your Thing) for coffee and toast. Since the town is so small, we ended up running into all of our family members there, and we serendipitously enjoyed breakfast together. It was a perfect 70º morning, so we all got to sit outside hang out for a while.

Hang out / Prep Time

We all got our respective flower/s ready for the day, followed by some champagne and outfit steaming. : )

This purse was my grandma’s when she was a teenager in the 50’s, and the earrings belonged to her as well.

From our wedding film

Getting Ready

We took our time getting ready before our first look down at the iconic courthouse. Now for outfit details! My cape and pants were handmade by Claire La Faye, shoes are from Paloma Wool and my hat was custom-made by Meshika. Everything Nick’s wearing is vintage: his coat is Dries Van Noten, his pants and shirt are Issey Miyake and his boots are Givenchy. We found it all on The Real Real and 1st Dibs.

first look

Our first look was so sweet— it was truly adorable to do this after years of photographing other couples’ first looks. Up until this moment, all Nick knew about my wedding outfit was that there were pants involved. When we were vintage shopping for his outfit, he wanted to know what my vibe was for cohesiveness’ sake, so I told him it was a mix between Elvis, V for Vendetta and Zorro. This immediately lead him to guess that I would be wearing pants and a hat, but didn’t know that there would be a cape or how everything would look together.

From our wedding film

Courthouse portraits

We took more portraits around the beautiful, sprawling Marfa courthouse and then continued on wandering and shooting around town.

Portraits around town

This was one of my favorite parts of the whole day. We just got to run around this beautiful town in the most golden weather together. We had the chance to talk with lots of the locals throughout the day— everyone in Marfa is unbelievably welcoming and pleasant and every interaction made the day feel more ethereal :’)

From our wedding film

Two of the photos I love the most ^

From our wedding film

Part two

Since this has been a rather long post, I’m going to break it up and share the second half of the photos from our ceremony, portraits after dusk, and photos from dinner and tattoos in a second post.