Organizations to Donate to This Holiday

Alternative ways to spend this season

Sam Livingston
Dec 16 2019 | min read
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Alternative Ways to Spend This Season

Apart from making intentional gifting choices this holiday, there are many other thoughtful ways to spend gifting money to impact others on a larger scale this season. Here are a few of them.

Plant A Tree — Starting at $1

Just $1 plants one tree. You can choose the location where you’d like to plant and go from there.

A few ideas: plant a tree (or a few) in a friend’s name and share the receipt with them along with their gift this year. Plant a tree every time you receive a gift. Plant a tree every time you order something online (we’ve committed to doing this moving forward and are very excited about it.) This is an incredibly tangible way to help reforestation and it only takes a minute.

Offset Carbon Emissions — $10-$200

Offset your environmental impact (learn about this here) at Reformation or at Terrapass. Every action adds up and both of these sites, amongst many others, offer easy ways to offset our impact. Of course, it’s important to understand our impact and be mindful of living day-to-day. While offsetting helps, it doesn’t directly eliminate the emissions that we created in the first place.

Donate to Unicef — $ any amount

Unicef works to help aid children in the developing world. This includes providing nutrition and clean water, immunization, education, refuge from trafficking and violence, as well as emergency relief and crisis. Donate in a friend’s name as a part of your gift to them, or donate in lieu of a gift.

Donate to The ACLU — $ any amount

The ACLU fights for rights surrounding immigration, reproductive rights, national security, religious liberty, voting rights, racial justice, disability rights, amongst others.

Donate to Kids in Need of Defense — $ any amount

This organization makes sure that refugee children entering the US alone are equipped with high quality representation. Read more here.

Donate to The International Rescue Committee — $ any amount

This organization helps to manage crisis, relocate refugees, offer food, blankets and other necessities to those in need. Donations fund a variety of different projects, including ways to make sure that women in the developing world have an equal opportunity to succeed.

Donate to The Innocence Project — $ any amount

This organization exonerates the wrongly convicted through DNA testing and reforms the criminal justice system to prevent future injustice.

Donate to The Trevor Project — $ any amount

This organization offers accredited life-saving, life-affirming programs and services to LGBTQ youth that create safe, accepting and inclusive environments over the phone, online and through text.

That’s all for now! Check out last January’s Giving Guide for more.