My Top 10 Bars in LA

With the best food, general vibe, outdoor seating, etc.

Sam Livingston
Jun 17 2023 | min read
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With the best food, general vibe, outdoor seating, etc.

Whether you’re planning a trip to LA or currently live here and are looking for some new bars to visit… I think you’ll really like these for their inviting interiors, amazing cocktails and wine selections, small bites, and formal dinners. Some have great patios or other outdoor seating, and I’ll make notes on what experiences you can expect at each place. I’m very into an early evening drink before the crowds roll out, so if that’s what you’re into as well, I think all of these places will be hits for you!

VooDoo Vin | Virgil VILLAGE

As far as a cute candlelit dinner paired with delicate pasta dishes and decadent salads, plus perfect glasses of natural wine go: you can’t quite beat Voodoo Vin. The plates are small and it’s more of a meal you eat when you’re not starving, but nonetheless, I’d recommend it to anyone for a date night. The "Caesar" Beef Tartare, Tagliatelle with 'nduja Bolognese, and the pasta swimming in a buttery sauce (not currently on the menu but historically has been each time I’ve been) are some of my favorite dishes in the city: pasta pictured below for your convenience.

The pasta in question at Voodoo Vin

El Prado | Echo Park

Prado is the absolute best at 2 pm on a Saturday or a Sunday. The staff is so sweet and always lets us try a few things before we commit to a glass or a bottle, and I think you should get the hot dog! (Pictured below.) If you’re looking for general chaos or potentially a meet-cute, head here late on pretty much any night of the week. You can sit on the front patio, in cozy and dimly lit indoor coves in the bar or on a small back patio— we usually find it empty any time we come early.

The hot dog I think you should get

Gold Line | Highland Park

Gold Line is another perfect midday-on-a-weekend type of spot, or around 5 pm on weekdays before things pick up. You can sit at high tops out front or in the dimly-lit back booths. And wanted to note that the same goes for Prado as far as chaos come nighttime, which I guess is to be expected with bars, isn’t it 🤪

Cheers 🍸