Sweet Potatoes with Tahini & Microgreens

+ a meal-prep tip for a quick lunch or dinner

Sam Livingston
Feb 23 2022 | min read
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+ a meal-prep tip for a quick lunch or dinner

One of the most helpful meal-prep tips I’ve adopted is boiling a pot of potatoes once or twice a week and keeping them in the fridge: this shortens their roasting time significantly and doesn’t leave you waiting 45+ minutes when you just want a quick lunch or dinner. I love balancing out the candied flavor of sweet potatoes with a rich and citrusy sauce, and topping it all off with microgreens is an easy way to get some antioxidants, iron, zinc and magnesium in. If you’ve already boiled your sweet potatoes for about 20 minutes, you’ll only need to roast them for about 20 minutes, and if you haven’t boiled them, you’ll need to roast for closer to 45 minutes. As always, you can find a discount code for the bowls and plates I use here.


  • 3-5 small sweet potatoes

  • 3 Tbsp. tahini

  • 1 tsp coconut aminos or soy sauce

  • Juice of half a lemon

  • Olive oil for drizzling

  • Kosher salt

  • Handful of spicy microgreens

  • Flaky salt for serving

  • Freshly ground black pepper


  1. Preheat your oven to 400ºF and slice the sweet potatoes in half lengthwise. Line a baking sheet with a baking mat or parchment paper and place the potatoes spaced out by a few inches, drizzling each with olive oil and a small pinch of kosher salt.

  2. Roast for 20 minutes (turning the baking sheet once) if you’ve boiled them, or 45 minutes (also turning once) if you haven’t. Meanwhile, make the dressing:

  3. Whisk together the tahini, coconut aminos, lemon juice and a splash of water if needed to thin it out.

  4. Once done roasting, add the sweet potatoes to a shallow bowl, drizzling with the tahini dressing and some olive oil. Top with microgreens, flaky salt and freshly ground black pepper. Enjoy!

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