Cannabis & Social Justice

A profile on Not Pot, a brand that pays bail every month

Sam Livingston
Jun 10 2020 | min read
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 A Profile on Not Pot, a brand that pays bail every month

Illustration by Maggie Stephenson.

Illustration by Maggie Stephenson.

We’re encouraged by Not Pot’s mission. Today, we’re sharing about the brand’s ethos which is found in championing social justice in regards to cannabis-related criminal charges.

“Cannabis has deep, tangled roots in our country. The enforcement of cannabis laws reveals some of the United States justice system's starkest racial disparities: while cannabis use has been roughly equal among black and white Americans, black Americans are nearly four times as likely to be arrested for possession. What’s worse, even after cannabis was legalized in Colorado, arrest rates for black and hispanic youth rose by more than 50 percent while arrests of white youth declined by 10 percent.

From slavery to the war on drugs, American Systems have attempted to control and imprison men and women from marginalized communities.

But when it comes to pretrial discrimination, the United States Justice system takes it to the bank (literally): if you can’t pay bail, you wait in jail. On average, 450,000 people sit in local jails every single night without being convicted of a crime—simply because they cannot afford bail.”

“And even one night in jail can cause someone to lose their home, their job, and even custody of their children. That’s !@#$’d up.”

“At Not Pot, we believe full cannabis legalization is a step in the right direction, but it’s not enough to correct the wrongs of our criminal justice system.

That's why we’re proud to announce the not pot bail fund, a self-funded organization designed to combat mass incarceration—one human being at a time.

Our contribution to the ecosystem is straightforward: through our network of partners, we help pay for someone’s bail every month. While seemingly simple, we believe that paying even one person's bail represents a bigger act of resistance against criminal injustice.

Although we can’t claim to be able to reform the criminal justice system overnight (it’s complex, sensitive, and rooted in years of racial and gender bias), we look forward to a future in which policies are led by compassion and health instead of social or political agendas.”

Other brands that support cannabis social justice reform:

Saint and Center | Be Jubie | Moon Mother | Ben & Jerry’s

Organizations that combat cannabis social justice reform:

Last Prisoner Project | SAM | Equity First

The 100 Most Influential People In Cannabis:

The winners of The High Times 100 were nominated for their relentless, courageous, and innovative dedication to the cannabis industry.

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When purchasing CBD and THC products, take time to learn about the brand you’re shopping with. Supporting missions such as Not Pot’s is an effective way to help facilitate incredibly necessary change in America— your dollar holds more power than you may think. You can also read up on necessary reparations here.

Do not consider information in this post professional medical advice. CBD and THC products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Consult with a physician before use if you have a serious medical condition or use prescription medications.