Journaling Prompts (02)

For Self Reflection

Sam Livingston
Mar 01 2021 | min read
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For Self Reflection

Each month, we’ll share an edit of self-reflection journaling prompts. Journaling is a concrete way to slow down and connect with yourself on recent thoughts and emotions, and to assess upcoming events.

Think about the last month:

01 — How have you experienced art lately in any form? What could you do to incorporate art into your life on a more frequent basis?

02 — Think of the ratio of screen time to art appreciation to literature in your life. Which of these would you like to spend more time on in the coming month?

03 — What did you find yourself using most often? A new piece of clothing, a skincare item, new or old book, piece of furniture… 

04 — What routines have you gotten into? Have these played a role in your productivity or lack thereof?

05 — What habits have you noticed yourself falling into? Would you like to continue with these or discontinue these habits moving forward?